on 10/7, i received a mes from Kak Chik hp
Her hus send a mes saying that kak chik was in ICU at Hospital Seberang Jaya
it ReaLLy Make Me ShOCkEd
I RepLy the SmS AskiNg wHat MAke her Wife beInG iN ICU
he SaiD her wiFe have An InFeCtIoN at HEr LUnG
Then shE AdMITTed In HoSpiTal..
On ThE EvEniNg Of 18/7/09,
My Mum And MY DaD WaS Just To ViSIT Her AT HospItAl At The DaY She PasSeD AwAy
BuT It'S Too LaTe..
She DieD beForE My MuM and MY Dad MakE A MOVe TO HSJ..
So,My MUM and My DaD JusT vIsiT ArwAh at Her HOuse..
My Mum SAiD ArWAh Is TotALLy DiFFeREnt BecaUSE of The DruGs ANd WatEr GIveN to Her WhilE shE AdmiTTed At The ICu..
BuT For SurE..
She's A VerY GooD FrIENd Of MinE..
I NeVEr See SHe GeT AngRy SinCe We've bE FrieNd FoR AlMosT 15 YeArS..
ShE's VeRy KinD PerSoN,LoVE tO sMILe..
TIll NoW I Can StilL SEe Her SmiLInG..
HEr LAuGh aND EvErYthInG..
BuT ALLAh LoVe Her MoRe..
To ArWaH KAk ChIK,
SmG Kak ChIk teNAnG Di sanA & DiTEmpAtkan BErsAmA2 OrAng YAng BEriMAn..I'M GoNNA Miss U FoR THe REsT Of My LiFe..ThaNx FoR tHE FRiENDsHip ThaT We'VE ShaRe FoR All THIS time..UnTill Now I'm still CrYing WhILE thInKinG OF HEr..ReAllY Miss U..Al FatIhAh