this blog is specially dedicated to the one and only
my mom..Pn Zainab Binti Darus..
i really love u so much
no word in this world can describe how much i love u..
how much u meant to me..
all the things that u hv done to me..
all the things that u hv sacrifice for me..
all the things that u gv me..
all the things that u hv teach me..
all the happiness things that u hv bring into my life..
i would never forget..
ur love for me
is like a river..
so peaceful and deep..
ur attention to me
makes me feel always save..
all the joy u bring into my life
i really enjoyed it..
all the bad things that i've done
u always advice me softly..
u never once put your hand into my body..never..
when i feel sad,u always lend ur shoulder to cry on..
when i feel lost,u always give ur hand and hold me tightly..
when i feel bad, u always sit besides me and hug me..
when i'm happy,u feel happy too..
i really love u so much
i will try my level best to make u feel happy always..
i will try my best to be the best daughter in the world..
u meant a lot to me..
i don't know what will happen to me if u'r not with me..
"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku..Kau pjgkanlah umur ibuku..ko jauhila dia dr segala kesakitan, penderitaan di dunia dan di akhirat..Kau peliharalah dia..lindungilah dia..sygilah dia sepertimana dia mengasihiku sewaktu aku masih kecil..
Ya Allah,terlalu banyak lagi yang ingin aku berikan kepada ibuku..terlalu banyak jasanya padaku yang aku x mampu untuk membalasnya..tapi aku berjanji akan selalu dan senantiasa membahagiakannya..menyayanginya sehingga dia tdk merasa sedikit pun kekurangan..aku ingin membahagiakannya..aku ingin membawanya ke Mekah..bantulah aku Ya Allah dalam merealisasikan semua ini..sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui,Maha Menyayangi lagi Maha Mendengar.."
Hepi mothers day mom..
i am very proud to hv u as my mother
u are everything to me..
i love u so much mom..
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