to my deary father..
thanx for all the things that u've done to me..
thanx for always be with me no matter what..
thanx for being such a good father and also a good friend to me..
thanx for always listening to all of my stories..
thanx for sharing the laugh and sadness things with me..
thanx for being so understanding..
thanx for always supporting me in all decision that i've made..
thanx for being there with me when i feel down..
thanx for everything..ayah..
there's no words can describe how much u meant to me..
how much i love u..
and i my self really don't know how my life will be without u..
u a very special in my life..
i really love u,care for u and i will do anything for you just to make u happy..
i hope one day i will have a time to repay all ur kindness things that u have done..
Ya Allah,kau panjangkanlah umur ayahku..kau sihatkanlah dia..kau selamatkanlah dia dr segala bhy bencana..lindungilah dia setiap masa Ya Allah..
sesungguhnya aku terlalu menyayangi dirinya..
To my deary father;Abdul Aziz Bin Din
tq so much for all the things u've done..
i really love u with all my heart..
thanx for being a great father..
i love u dad..really love u..
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