dh sbln lebih aku x menulis rentetan kesibukan di tempat keja..
then mcm2 lak jd..
dgn puasa, dgn ry, dgn nenek hus aku yg sktnya..
slalu blk penang lately..
tp alhamdulillah,nenek hus dh semakin ok..
then kat opis aku, one of my friend dkt opis dh resign isnin lepas..
maybe dia xleh nk sesuaikan dr dkt sini kot..
so,dia resign..
well to my dear friend, sue
gd luck in whatever u do after this..
adik ipar aku lak dh dpt permanent kat maybank..
congrates to her..
dh nk kuar dh..
nk g ijn laks hr nie
This BloG Tell everYthIng About MysElF and MY Husband and AlsO My Family..The MoMENt,expErIEnCe and EverYthINg ThaT we Share...All ARe Here..
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
hr nie ms aku smpai dekat ara damansara..nk u turn ke opis aku..
jem plak jln..
wondering why..
slalu ok je jln..x pernah jem pun..
then siap ada polis trafik..
pelik nie..
then smpai je kat polis trafik tu berdiri..
nmpk la sekujur tubuh yg dibaluti selimut terdampar di tengah jalan..
terkejut aku..
rupanya ada org mati accident..
rsnya dia kena langgar dgn keta ms nk melintas..
sbbnya kasut je yg terpelanting..kenderaan apa pun x dak..
Allah ja yg Maha Mengetahui..
bestnya mg dpn dh nk blk kg..
x sabarnya nk blk kg..
smg slamat la perjalan kami pergi blk dr kl ke penang..
jem plak jln..
wondering why..
slalu ok je jln..x pernah jem pun..
then siap ada polis trafik..
pelik nie..
then smpai je kat polis trafik tu berdiri..
nmpk la sekujur tubuh yg dibaluti selimut terdampar di tengah jalan..
terkejut aku..
rupanya ada org mati accident..
rsnya dia kena langgar dgn keta ms nk melintas..
sbbnya kasut je yg terpelanting..kenderaan apa pun x dak..
Allah ja yg Maha Mengetahui..
bestnya mg dpn dh nk blk kg..
x sabarnya nk blk kg..
smg slamat la perjalan kami pergi blk dr kl ke penang..
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Long Time No C...
dh lama x menulis dlm blog
bz dengan kerja yang semakin bertambah
bz dgn paper xm utk bdk2 tuisyen..
bz dgn mcm2 la
smpai x sempat nk menulis kat blog nie
banyak benda yg aku x sempat ceritakan
cuma akan aku ringkaskan dlm entry kali nie..
well, few things happen this last few weeks..
aku demam smpai x de suara keluar..
mgkn sbb environment keja yg dh berubah membuatkan 'antibodi' aku dh x kuat..
so, seminggu jgkla aku demam n tanpa suara..
then plak bz g 'ziarah' hospital
maklumlah budget dh masuk kan
jd nie lah masanya pergi jmpa customer utk dptkan bisness..
even smpai skrg pun msh lg berusaha utk dptkan sales..
alhamdulillah..so far so good..
even penat, tp alhamdulillah..dr situlah rezeki yg Allah bg pd aku..
then plak, bz dgn exam paper bdk2 tuisyen
soalan percubaan UPSR utk bdk standard 6..
dh hbs exam, marking paper lak..
adoila..penat..tp syukur sbb dr situ dtgnya rezeki yg Allah bg pada aku
then plak, disebabkan terlalu minat dgn kelas manik
aku join kelas manik anjuran kak imass
whole day dr pg smpai ptg aku kat sana
belajar jahit 20 jenis jahit manik
aku suka sgt
walaupun penat, tp disebabkan suka..
x la rs sgt penat tu
dpt lg ilmu utk aku..
hus plak x halang
dia lg sokong ada la..
alhamdulillah...thanx my dear
then plak, aku dpt mes dr k dha
mil dia dh meninggal
i can't remember the date
but to k dha and abg fit
be patient..God loves her more..
mmg perit utk diterima..tp redhalah
smg roh arwah ditempatkan bersama2 org yg beriman
and utk k dha
sbrla dgn apa yg berlaku
apa yg jd pasti ada hikmahnya..
semua tu dugaan utk k dha n abg fit
just don't pressure urself too much..
insyaallah, abg fit knows what to do..k
ramadhan dh nk smpai
maknanya puasa pun dh nk smpai
sekejap ja ms berlalu...
smg ramadhan kali nie membawa seribu rahmat dan kebahagian utk semua org..
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I LoSt My FrIEnD..
on 10/7, i received a mes from Kak Chik hp
Her hus send a mes saying that kak chik was in ICU at Hospital Seberang Jaya
it ReaLLy Make Me ShOCkEd
I RepLy the SmS AskiNg wHat MAke her Wife beInG iN ICU
he SaiD her wiFe have An InFeCtIoN at HEr LUnG
Then shE AdMITTed In HoSpiTal..
On ThE EvEniNg Of 18/7/09,
My Mum And MY DaD WaS Just To ViSIT Her AT HospItAl At The DaY She PasSeD AwAy
BuT It'S Too LaTe..
She DieD beForE My MuM and MY Dad MakE A MOVe TO HSJ..
So,My MUM and My DaD JusT vIsiT ArwAh at Her HOuse..
My Mum SAiD ArWAh Is TotALLy DiFFeREnt BecaUSE of The DruGs ANd WatEr GIveN to Her WhilE shE AdmiTTed At The ICu..
BuT For SurE..
She's A VerY GooD FrIENd Of MinE..
I NeVEr See SHe GeT AngRy SinCe We've bE FrieNd FoR AlMosT 15 YeArS..
ShE's VeRy KinD PerSoN,LoVE tO sMILe..
TIll NoW I Can StilL SEe Her SmiLInG..
HEr LAuGh aND EvErYthInG..
BuT ALLAh LoVe Her MoRe..
To ArWaH KAk ChIK,
SmG Kak ChIk teNAnG Di sanA & DiTEmpAtkan BErsAmA2 OrAng YAng BEriMAn..I'M GoNNA Miss U FoR THe REsT Of My LiFe..ThaNx FoR tHE FRiENDsHip ThaT We'VE ShaRe FoR All THIS time..UnTill Now I'm still CrYing WhILE thInKinG OF HEr..ReAllY Miss U..Al FatIhAh
Her hus send a mes saying that kak chik was in ICU at Hospital Seberang Jaya
it ReaLLy Make Me ShOCkEd
I RepLy the SmS AskiNg wHat MAke her Wife beInG iN ICU
he SaiD her wiFe have An InFeCtIoN at HEr LUnG
Then shE AdMITTed In HoSpiTal..
On ThE EvEniNg Of 18/7/09,
My Mum And MY DaD WaS Just To ViSIT Her AT HospItAl At The DaY She PasSeD AwAy
BuT It'S Too LaTe..
She DieD beForE My MuM and MY Dad MakE A MOVe TO HSJ..
So,My MUM and My DaD JusT vIsiT ArwAh at Her HOuse..
My Mum SAiD ArWAh Is TotALLy DiFFeREnt BecaUSE of The DruGs ANd WatEr GIveN to Her WhilE shE AdmiTTed At The ICu..
BuT For SurE..
She's A VerY GooD FrIENd Of MinE..
I NeVEr See SHe GeT AngRy SinCe We've bE FrieNd FoR AlMosT 15 YeArS..
ShE's VeRy KinD PerSoN,LoVE tO sMILe..
TIll NoW I Can StilL SEe Her SmiLInG..
HEr LAuGh aND EvErYthInG..
BuT ALLAh LoVe Her MoRe..
To ArWaH KAk ChIK,
SmG Kak ChIk teNAnG Di sanA & DiTEmpAtkan BErsAmA2 OrAng YAng BEriMAn..I'M GoNNA Miss U FoR THe REsT Of My LiFe..ThaNx FoR tHE FRiENDsHip ThaT We'VE ShaRe FoR All THIS time..UnTill Now I'm still CrYing WhILE thInKinG OF HEr..ReAllY Miss U..Al FatIhAh
Monday, June 22, 2009
Epi FaThEr's Day
to my deary father..
thanx for all the things that u've done to me..
thanx for always be with me no matter what..
thanx for being such a good father and also a good friend to me..
thanx for always listening to all of my stories..
thanx for sharing the laugh and sadness things with me..
thanx for being so understanding..
thanx for always supporting me in all decision that i've made..
thanx for being there with me when i feel down..
thanx for everything..ayah..
there's no words can describe how much u meant to me..
how much i love u..
and i my self really don't know how my life will be without u..
u a very special in my life..
i really love u,care for u and i will do anything for you just to make u happy..
i hope one day i will have a time to repay all ur kindness things that u have done..
Ya Allah,kau panjangkanlah umur ayahku..kau sihatkanlah dia..kau selamatkanlah dia dr segala bhy bencana..lindungilah dia setiap masa Ya Allah..
sesungguhnya aku terlalu menyayangi dirinya..
To my deary father;Abdul Aziz Bin Din
tq so much for all the things u've done..
i really love u with all my heart..
thanx for being a great father..
i love u dad..really love u..
Sunday, June 21, 2009
dr semalam lg aku mmg bengang giler..
terlalu bengang..
sakit hati,geram..
smua ada..n i cried because of that things
i'm very tired of all that things that happen..
if i can turn that times back..
but unfortunately i can't..
i wish all kind of this stupid things i won't face again..
but it keep coming..
like i want to run away from everybody!!!
i hate the things happen!!!!
terlalu bengang..
sakit hati,geram..
smua ada..n i cried because of that things
i'm very tired of all that things that happen..
if i can turn that times back..
but unfortunately i can't..
i wish all kind of this stupid things i won't face again..
but it keep coming..
like i want to run away from everybody!!!
i hate the things happen!!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
New Job!!

well,my dear friend..
now,everyday i have to go out and see our customer
everyday I have to go out to a different hospital that i covered..
actually,my new job is very interesting..
i really enjoy my new job..
being all days in hosptal,makes me realize how important for us to take good care on our health..
meet with people..u all knows la
not all are friendly..
but in sales area,that is the common situation we will face everyday
and we,have to be prepared..
i never regreted being in sales area..
eventhough i'm from science background..
but i'm very happy to be in sales area
furthermore,i still use my knowledge coz i'm teaching standard 2-6 in Malay and Mathematics..alhamdulillah..
erm..my hubby also don't mind on what i'm doing..
he always give me support on everything i did..
to my dearie hubby,
thanx for being so understanding..
i really love u with all my heart...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

When u all see the title above..
i think u all can guess the things that i would like to share today..
well,me and my hubby have been married for alomost 2 years
but till now we don't have any child yet..
peoples around us keep asking ...
'dah ada baby ka?dh brp anak ada?and so on so on..
when we told them(my hubby always give the answer to them)..
'belum lagi..belum ada rezeki lagi..'
then their answer will be like this..
'merancang ke?buat apa merancang?ingat dah ada 2,3 anak dh..'
and we?just smiled..
sometimes i feel tired answering this kind of question..
when I'm not married,people asked me
'bila nk kawen'
and when I've married..
they keep asking me..
'bila nak ada baby?dah berapa orang anak?
sometimes i just want to scream and tell them..
we already done our level best..
we've seen gynae, we've done traditional way(seing bidan,urut), we've taken a buah zuriat from Mekah..we've taken everything that can help us to get a baby..
we've done solat Hajat(always), asking from God to give us a baby..
when I see and hear my friends get pregnant,especially my friends that get married after me..
I wish I had that kind of experience too..
to get pregnant and have our own baby..
sometimes people don't understand..
they keep asking,
'dah ada bb?..'
plz don't asked that question anymore..
i'm really tired to answer the question..
sometimes,I feel like i'm going to put a small banner at my body and write..
'I don't have baby yet..so,plz don't asked anything..'
especially when going back to my hometown..
or at kenduri that we attend..
I already told myself,when I get pregnant,I will let everyone knows..that will be my promise..
I feel happy to hear people around me get pregnant..
but deeply in my heart..I'm so down..so sad..
people don't know that sometimes I cry when thinking of that things..
even my hubby don't know..
sometimes I wake up at night and cry when thinking about that..
I really want a baby but I don't want to force or stress myself for that..
just let it be naturally..
I'm very thankful to my hubby,my family for being so understanding and supportive
they always asked me to be positive..
and don't bother other people words.
We always pray that God will give us a chance to have our own baby...
to have the experience being a mother and father..
We never put the end to try and try as much as we can and done everything for that..
Insyaallah,we really believe we will get our own baby soon..
Friday, June 5, 2009
NeW PlaCe...

yup..this is my new job place now..
i've already been here since 15/05/09..
i've been here for almost one month..
sekejap je ms kan..mcm x caye je..
ehehehe..well,this company is a supplier for medical disposable
so,my new job now,need me to go to hospital..
meet the HOD,Doc, MA,Matron,Sister,Staff Nurse and also patient..hahahaha
but for me this job is very interesting and challenging coz we have to conmpete with other medical supplier(competitor)..i may need to go out every day but it's ok..
i won't be sleepy any more..hahahahaha..
hope i can work here for a long time period coz i love the environtment so much
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Last Day In MElanGi
Melangi..hr nie 14/05/2009
genapla 2 thn aku keja kat sini..
best sgt keje kat sini..bos pun sgt baik..
no pressure at all..enjoyed working here..
but hr nie last day aku kat melangi..
sbbnya esok aku akan mula keje kat tmpt br..
hrp2 smuanya ok mcm skrg..
ikutkan hati aku nie,aku berat sgt nk tinggalkan melangi..
syg sgt kat melangi nie
mcm2 kenangan aku ada kat sini..
kenangan yg indah je..adoila..
i wish i will be staying here forever..
but that is my wish only...
i will remember my bos..
mr tai,mr max, and mr chan..
u guys are very kind,understanding..
really enjoyed working with u all..
Sunday, May 10, 2009

aku ngn my sis in law g la ke jakel
act hajat hati nie nk membeli kain chifon je utk buat bj pd kain aku yg aku beli ms g langkawi..
so,kbtln my sis in law nk g sana jgk..
so,we both went there around 11.30am..
lps je parking,kitorg berjalan ke sana
sepanjang perjlnn ke jakel masjid india tu,mak ai
ramainya org yg bwk beg jakel..dua belah tgn penuh dgn beg plastik..
maklumla sales up to 85%..
smpai sn je,adoila..serius..giler ramai org..
aku pun pening la..
then,aku ngn my sis in law beli kain n trn nk blk
tp aku nie gatal plak nk tgk kain lain..
huhu..last2 aku beli lg 2 psg kainutk buat bj ry, 1 kain chifon and 1 psg kain utk bj melayu my hubby..hahaha
kbtln ms kitorg pegi tu
n sempena hr ibu..by that time kitorg sampai
diorg buat offer 1 jam je..
hrga yg mmg dh murah tu dimurahkan lg kpd 50%..
giles wei..aku rambang mata la..
then aku g tgk dekat section apa ntah..spsg: sblm diskaun RM150, slps diskaun dia kasi RM75
but aku dpt lg hrga len sbb aku smpai ms dlm waktu 'sejam yg special tu'
dpt la RM40..huhuhu..
then jln lg..aku beli sepasang lg..
lps hbs beli dkt aku aku,aku beli kain utk buat bj melayu utk my hubby..
lgpun kain yg dibeli tu mmg niat hati nk buat utk pakai ry..
jd alhamdulillah..terlaksan jgk mission utk beli kain bj ry
yg dh terbengkalai utk brp kurun pun x tau la..ehehe..
then,smpai umah,,lps solat, aku msk plak
sbb kat umah aku ada tok hubby ang my sis in law
diorg dtg n menginap di rumah aku utk bbr ketika..
jd kesian la..kbtln kitorg blk dh kul 3.00ptg
jd aku sendiri pun lapo..apatah lg diorg..
huhuhu..msk2 gulai dgg,kerabu pelam,sambal belacan,goreng kangkung goreng belacan ngan ada ulam bendi ngan kangkung..
siap bertmbh2 lg tu..2 pggn kitorg smua mkn..
lapo wei..ehehe
lps mkn tu..aku iron bj keja hubby ngan aku siap2..
lps tu solat asar..then tgk tv jap..
tub2 aku telah berada dia alam lain....zzzzzzzzzz
Thursday, May 7, 2009
HappY MOtHEr'S DAy..

this blog is specially dedicated to the one and only
my mom..Pn Zainab Binti Darus..
i really love u so much
no word in this world can describe how much i love u..
how much u meant to me..
all the things that u hv done to me..
all the things that u hv sacrifice for me..
all the things that u gv me..
all the things that u hv teach me..
all the happiness things that u hv bring into my life..
i would never forget..
ur love for me
is like a river..
so peaceful and deep..
ur attention to me
makes me feel always save..
all the joy u bring into my life
i really enjoyed it..
all the bad things that i've done
u always advice me softly..
u never once put your hand into my body..never..
when i feel sad,u always lend ur shoulder to cry on..
when i feel lost,u always give ur hand and hold me tightly..
when i feel bad, u always sit besides me and hug me..
when i'm happy,u feel happy too..
i really love u so much
i will try my level best to make u feel happy always..
i will try my best to be the best daughter in the world..
u meant a lot to me..
i don't know what will happen to me if u'r not with me..
"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku..Kau pjgkanlah umur ibuku..ko jauhila dia dr segala kesakitan, penderitaan di dunia dan di akhirat..Kau peliharalah dia..lindungilah dia..sygilah dia sepertimana dia mengasihiku sewaktu aku masih kecil..
Ya Allah,terlalu banyak lagi yang ingin aku berikan kepada ibuku..terlalu banyak jasanya padaku yang aku x mampu untuk membalasnya..tapi aku berjanji akan selalu dan senantiasa membahagiakannya..menyayanginya sehingga dia tdk merasa sedikit pun kekurangan..aku ingin membahagiakannya..aku ingin membawanya ke Mekah..bantulah aku Ya Allah dalam merealisasikan semua ini..sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui,Maha Menyayangi lagi Maha Mendengar.."
Hepi mothers day mom..
i am very proud to hv u as my mother
u are everything to me..
i love u so much mom..
Monday, May 4, 2009
alhamdulillah..dapat keja baru
sungguh aku bersyukur sgt2 dengan rezeki dr Nya
aku dh dpt keja br
dekat PJ..
aku dh hntr surat resigned pg td..
bos ok..lgpun aku dh bgtau diorg mgg lps
jd last aku keja kat melangi nie 14/05/09
sedih sedih jgk..tp apa nk buat
company business is not ok..
aku plak x de keja nk buat..
jd syukur..rezeki aku dpt kerja cepat..
2 mg ja..apply mcm2 dlm Jobstreet,Star Job,Job Malaysia Gov,malaysian career
akhirnya..rezeki yg aku x sangka..
insyaallah..aku akan keja sehabis baik dekat company br
n aku x kan lupa sgl kenangan kat melangi nie
bos pun baik sgt2...
sungguh aku bersyukur sgt2 dengan rezeki dr Nya
aku dh dpt keja br
dekat PJ..
aku dh hntr surat resigned pg td..
bos ok..lgpun aku dh bgtau diorg mgg lps
jd last aku keja kat melangi nie 14/05/09
sedih sedih jgk..tp apa nk buat
company business is not ok..
aku plak x de keja nk buat..
jd syukur..rezeki aku dpt kerja cepat..
2 mg ja..apply mcm2 dlm Jobstreet,Star Job,Job Malaysia Gov,malaysian career
akhirnya..rezeki yg aku x sangka..
insyaallah..aku akan keja sehabis baik dekat company br
n aku x kan lupa sgl kenangan kat melangi nie
bos pun baik sgt2...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
this morning i went for an interview
as usual..the post was SE
this company based in Glenmarie..
as advertised,there want a candidate that have 2 years experience in sales
do hv science background
so,ok lo..i went there
i've been interview by 3 peoples..all are chinese
as usual..tell me about urself..what do you know about this company
then they start telling me about the company
i just listen
and then they asked me about medic
hahaha..how should i know..i'm physics student
they asked me about how to read the x-ray,things in operation theater..about osteoporosis..about 'tulang belakang,L3,L5.....ha?
how should i know..i never learned that things..
really make me headache..
i've been interview for 2 hours..
this is the long session of interview i've gone through..
asked me about implant..for dental and do asked me to some research on dental and things related to dental and osteoporosis...
how would i know..
when they said...if anything they will col n let me know..
wow..i feel like i want to run away from that room and go back to my office..
really make me think twice..
but i've learned something to day..
u should know everything around u..lalala..
as usual..the post was SE
this company based in Glenmarie..
as advertised,there want a candidate that have 2 years experience in sales
do hv science background
so,ok lo..i went there
i've been interview by 3 peoples..all are chinese
as usual..tell me about urself..what do you know about this company
then they start telling me about the company
i just listen
and then they asked me about medic
hahaha..how should i know..i'm physics student
they asked me about how to read the x-ray,things in operation theater..about osteoporosis..about 'tulang belakang,L3,L5.....ha?
how should i know..i never learned that things..
really make me headache..
i've been interview for 2 hours..
this is the long session of interview i've gone through..
asked me about implant..for dental and do asked me to some research on dental and things related to dental and osteoporosis...
how would i know..
when they said...if anything they will col n let me know..
wow..i feel like i want to run away from that room and go back to my office..
really make me think twice..
but i've learned something to day..
u should know everything around u..lalala..
Sunday, April 26, 2009
spt yg diketahui,khamis hr tu aku ada interview
1 kat PJ , 1 lg kat KL
alhamdulillah..aku dh buat sehabis baik utk interview tu
aku smpai awai kt PJ..suppose kul 10.30pg,but around 9.10pg aku dh smpai
then aku tggu kejap
kul 10 br aku nek..semuanya berjln dgn lancar..
owner company tu 100% bumi..n they are very kind..
then,afternoon i went to Menara AIA in Kl..
got interview there..the interview session don't take too long..
hmm..xtau la...
ada rezeki ada la..insyaallah
then,jummat petang ada col..mntk g interview
this one under agency..
asked me to come for the interview on Saturday morning..
so, I went there in the morning...
as usual..they will try to give my resume to the employee and if anything
they will call me..
then i went back
take a rest 1st and then only i cook
i make soto on saturday..
evening my friend come and asked me to accompany her to the Pasar Borong Selangor
i thought i don't want to buy anything
but then when i see my peberet 'udang galah'..
i bought them for 600g..
1kg = RM20, 600g= RM12
huhu..nvmd la..my hubby also like that 'udang galah'
nite,there's nothing much to
just watched the AF..n it's quiet unbelievable
when Aril was voted out..
before that my hubby said..
'sayang, abang rasa malam nie aril mesti keluar..'
but i said no..i think someone else will voted out tonite..
then,i realize,my hubby was rite..it's Aril..
i gave a sms to my beloved sis..k dha
'k dha,jangan nangis tau,aril kuaq.but i said it shouldn't be him..he's quiet good'
then k dha reply my mes..
'mcm mn tau akak nangis?...and bla bla bla..'
hehehe..i know she will cry coz he likes aril so much..
well..that's the reality of AF..
then after that i watched "Tomorrow Never Dies"
sebabnya aku nk tengok MU...
dia kan ada games ngan Spurs..

for the 1st half,me n my husband were very dissapointed
Spurs already in front with 2-0
what happen MU..but I still beleive they will win..
but then I was really sleepy
hoho..then my hubby watched the game lonely
but I can hear he shouted..goal..yes yes..
hehehe..then only in the morning i saw his hp
and MU won with 5-2
what an comeback done by MU..
i know u can do it guys..hehe..
well..there's 6 more games coming..
and I believe MU can win..
sunday,there's nothing much to do
just cabut rumput belakang and depan rumah
lepas tu masak..
malam tu kuar g Jusco ngan hubby
then makan kat Kenny Rogers
lepas tu balik..tgk tv sekejap
n last skali zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
1 kat PJ , 1 lg kat KL
alhamdulillah..aku dh buat sehabis baik utk interview tu
aku smpai awai kt PJ..suppose kul 10.30pg,but around 9.10pg aku dh smpai
then aku tggu kejap
kul 10 br aku nek..semuanya berjln dgn lancar..
owner company tu 100% bumi..n they are very kind..
then,afternoon i went to Menara AIA in Kl..
got interview there..the interview session don't take too long..
hmm..xtau la...
ada rezeki ada la..insyaallah
then,jummat petang ada col..mntk g interview
this one under agency..
asked me to come for the interview on Saturday morning..
so, I went there in the morning...
as usual..they will try to give my resume to the employee and if anything
they will call me..
then i went back
take a rest 1st and then only i cook
i make soto on saturday..
evening my friend come and asked me to accompany her to the Pasar Borong Selangor
i thought i don't want to buy anything
but then when i see my peberet 'udang galah'..
i bought them for 600g..
1kg = RM20, 600g= RM12
huhu..nvmd la..my hubby also like that 'udang galah'
nite,there's nothing much to
just watched the AF..n it's quiet unbelievable
when Aril was voted out..
before that my hubby said..
'sayang, abang rasa malam nie aril mesti keluar..'
but i said no..i think someone else will voted out tonite..
then,i realize,my hubby was rite..it's Aril..
i gave a sms to my beloved sis..k dha
'k dha,jangan nangis tau,aril kuaq.but i said it shouldn't be him..he's quiet good'
then k dha reply my mes..
'mcm mn tau akak nangis?...and bla bla bla..'
hehehe..i know she will cry coz he likes aril so much..
well..that's the reality of AF..
then after that i watched "Tomorrow Never Dies"
sebabnya aku nk tengok MU...
dia kan ada games ngan Spurs..

for the 1st half,me n my husband were very dissapointed
Spurs already in front with 2-0
what happen MU..but I still beleive they will win..
but then I was really sleepy
hoho..then my hubby watched the game lonely
but I can hear he shouted..goal..yes yes..
hehehe..then only in the morning i saw his hp
and MU won with 5-2
what an comeback done by MU..
i know u can do it guys..hehe..
well..there's 6 more games coming..
and I believe MU can win..
sunday,there's nothing much to do
just cabut rumput belakang and depan rumah
lepas tu masak..
malam tu kuar g Jusco ngan hubby
then makan kat Kenny Rogers
lepas tu balik..tgk tv sekejap
n last skali zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
hmm..petang smlm dpt col
ada 2 companies mntk aku g interbiu khamis nie..
adoila..pening kepala aku
dh 2 thn beb x g interbiu
sgl mcm perasaan ada..
tp aku kena pk +ve..
insyaallah..aku leh buat
Ya Allah..kau mudahkanlah urusan ku masa interview nanti..aminnn...
ada 2 companies mntk aku g interbiu khamis nie..
adoila..pening kepala aku
dh 2 thn beb x g interbiu
sgl mcm perasaan ada..
tp aku kena pk +ve..
insyaallah..aku leh buat
Ya Allah..kau mudahkanlah urusan ku masa interview nanti..aminnn...
Monday, April 20, 2009
last week aku blk kg..beshnya..
wpun cuma 2 hr 1 mlm je (maklumla nek bas..amik bas kul 12mlm smpai umah 4 pg,ahd dh blk kl dh)
tp bestla..cuma adik aku sorg je x de
dia ada kursus kat pahang,biasala
cikgu taska nie..tmbh2 dgn projek yg wife PM br perkenalkan..PERMATA..
so,dia x de la..
tp yg beshnya,aku jmpa anak2 buah ksygn aku yg 2 org tu..
adam n aniq..adam ms aku blk dh kenal aku dh..
dh x perak dh..hehehe

ms aku blk tu bdk2 tu tdo lg..
so,aku borak2 dgn adik2 aku
smpai kul 6 lbh br tdo..
tu pun tdo kejap je..
mak gerak..
"ti,bgn tdoq dlm bilik..tdoq dgn adam.."
aku pun p la..x dan 15 minit tdo,adam dh jg..
huhu..trs la dia bgn kan..dia memula mamai lagi
jd x layan sgt la aku..
dia g kacau sepupu dia,aniq tu..ehehe
nie aksi bdk2 tu..
wpun cuma 2 hr 1 mlm je (maklumla nek bas..amik bas kul 12mlm smpai umah 4 pg,ahd dh blk kl dh)
tp bestla..cuma adik aku sorg je x de
dia ada kursus kat pahang,biasala
cikgu taska nie..tmbh2 dgn projek yg wife PM br perkenalkan..PERMATA..
so,dia x de la..
tp yg beshnya,aku jmpa anak2 buah ksygn aku yg 2 org tu..
adam n aniq..adam ms aku blk dh kenal aku dh..
dh x perak dh..hehehe
ms aku blk tu bdk2 tu tdo lg..
so,aku borak2 dgn adik2 aku
smpai kul 6 lbh br tdo..
tu pun tdo kejap je..
mak gerak..
"ti,bgn tdoq dlm bilik..tdoq dgn adam.."
aku pun p la..x dan 15 minit tdo,adam dh jg..
huhu..trs la dia bgn kan..dia memula mamai lagi
jd x layan sgt la aku..
dia g kacau sepupu dia,aniq tu..ehehe
nie aksi bdk2 tu..
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Cari Keje?????
kepala aku nie dh pening sgt2..
sejak dr mg lps lg..
mn x nya..
bos aku pggei wei..
then,secara lemah lembut dia ckp dekat aku..
"aishah,i think u better find a new job..."
ms tu aku mcm blur sekejap..
x tau nk pk apa..
lps tu tpon hubby..bgtau dia
dia kata..
"xpelah..nk buat mcm mn..dh smpai situ je rezeki syg kat ...."
dia soh cr keje lain pelan2..huhu
zaman2 gawat mcm nie..bkn sng nk cr keja..
aku pun memulakan misi mencari keje br..jobstreet la,star job la, spa la,semua yg aku leh cr dlm tenet,au cr..
aku risau sgt2..
bkn apa..aku anak sulong dlm kuarga..
aku perlu bantu mak ayah aku..
aku perlu jgk bantu suami aku..
ddk kat KL wei..mn ckp klu sorg je keje..
lgpun aku x mo sshkan hubby ngan family aku..
hr2 aku berdoa semoga aku dapat keje cepat2..aku btl2 risau..sgt2 risau..
Ya Allah,Yang Maha Pengasih,Maha Mendengar,bantulah hambamu untuk mendapat pekerjaan secepat mungkin..aminn
kepala aku nie dh pening sgt2..
sejak dr mg lps lg..
mn x nya..
bos aku pggei wei..
then,secara lemah lembut dia ckp dekat aku..
"aishah,i think u better find a new job..."
ms tu aku mcm blur sekejap..
x tau nk pk apa..
lps tu tpon hubby..bgtau dia
dia kata..
"xpelah..nk buat mcm mn..dh smpai situ je rezeki syg kat ...."
dia soh cr keje lain pelan2..huhu
zaman2 gawat mcm nie..bkn sng nk cr keja..
aku pun memulakan misi mencari keje br..jobstreet la,star job la, spa la,semua yg aku leh cr dlm tenet,au cr..
aku risau sgt2..
bkn apa..aku anak sulong dlm kuarga..
aku perlu bantu mak ayah aku..
aku perlu jgk bantu suami aku..
ddk kat KL wei..mn ckp klu sorg je keje..
lgpun aku x mo sshkan hubby ngan family aku..
hr2 aku berdoa semoga aku dapat keje cepat2..aku btl2 risau..sgt2 risau..
Ya Allah,Yang Maha Pengasih,Maha Mendengar,bantulah hambamu untuk mendapat pekerjaan secepat mungkin..aminn
Monday, April 6, 2009
semalam kepala aku skt sgt2..dh few days mcm nie..
hubby blk je keja,hubby ajak g klinik..
so,g klinik..check punya check doc kata tknn drh ok..
dia kata "sy suspect awk ada migrain"
terkejut aku..xpolah..apo nk buat
so,dia bg ubat2
blk mkn,then trs tdo..x thn beb..skt gile kepala..rs nk hempuk2 je kat dinding
hubby blk je keja,hubby ajak g klinik..
so,g klinik..check punya check doc kata tknn drh ok..
dia kata "sy suspect awk ada migrain"
terkejut aku..xpolah..apo nk buat
so,dia bg ubat2
blk mkn,then trs tdo..x thn beb..skt gile kepala..rs nk hempuk2 je kat dinding
Sunday, April 5, 2009
sakit peyutttt
x tahulah knp dgn prtku semenjak dua menjak nie..
asyik sakit ja..makan pedas sket je,msti skt prt..maybe prt aku nie dh 'tua' nie..dh slalu sgt mkn mknn pedas smpai dh x leh trima dh...
smlm aku msk bihun sup..buat ayam perap sket n sambal kicap..
lps je mkn bihun sup tu,dh mula dh..
penat ulang alik g toilet..
nk keluar g kedai smlm,mls sbb hujan dr pg smpai mlm
hntr mes kat hubby
"abg,tlg beli pil chi kit teik on..perut syg x sdpla"
smlm hubby blk lmbt..almaklumla..skrg nie smua nk kejar brg,org ats sng je..hntr mes je..
"zam,petang nie tunggu lori PNE msk..klu bleh tggu smpai kul 7.."
last2 lori msk kul 6 lbh..hubby kena la tggu..
then smpai umah kul 9 lbh,almost 10 o'clock..tanya dia
"abg,mn pil chi kit yg syg pesan?"
"syg hntq mes ka?abg x perasan pun..xpa..xpa..stgi abg kuaq blk"
kesian jgk dkt hubby..
"xpalah abg,biaq ja la..satgi syg mkn air ngan biji selasih"
then lps mkn,rosek rosek dlm beka subat,jmpala pil chi kit..alhamdulillah
mkn2tu,ok sket la..smbil sapu minyak angin kat peyut..
hubby plak nek mandi n solat,mkn, ddk kejap je ats sofa,trs tertdo..
smlm plak ada game MU kul 11..aku tgk sorg2 la..hubby kul 11.30 br jg..then dia pun tgk skali..lps tu dlm 1145,aku dh ngantok dh..apalagi..tdo la..
tgkla hubby game sowang2..seb bek la MU menang..glory glory MU..
lps tu terjg kul brp ntah..perut meragam..adoila..
then pgg prt,sapu minyak angin,urut2 sket,smbil bc selawat..last2 tertdo smpai la pg td..alhamdulillah dh makin ok,,tp still rs lg
memula ingt nk MC je..tp pk2..mlsnya nk g klinik..huhu..so,dtgla keja..hahaha
asyik sakit ja..makan pedas sket je,msti skt prt..maybe prt aku nie dh 'tua' nie..dh slalu sgt mkn mknn pedas smpai dh x leh trima dh...
smlm aku msk bihun sup..buat ayam perap sket n sambal kicap..
lps je mkn bihun sup tu,dh mula dh..
penat ulang alik g toilet..
nk keluar g kedai smlm,mls sbb hujan dr pg smpai mlm
hntr mes kat hubby
"abg,tlg beli pil chi kit teik on..perut syg x sdpla"
smlm hubby blk lmbt..almaklumla..skrg nie smua nk kejar brg,org ats sng je..hntr mes je..
"zam,petang nie tunggu lori PNE msk..klu bleh tggu smpai kul 7.."
last2 lori msk kul 6 lbh..hubby kena la tggu..
then smpai umah kul 9 lbh,almost 10 o'clock..tanya dia
"abg,mn pil chi kit yg syg pesan?"
"syg hntq mes ka?abg x perasan pun..xpa..xpa..stgi abg kuaq blk"
kesian jgk dkt hubby..
"xpalah abg,biaq ja la..satgi syg mkn air ngan biji selasih"
then lps mkn,rosek rosek dlm beka subat,jmpala pil chi kit..alhamdulillah
mkn2tu,ok sket la..smbil sapu minyak angin kat peyut..
hubby plak nek mandi n solat,mkn, ddk kejap je ats sofa,trs tertdo..
smlm plak ada game MU kul 11..aku tgk sorg2 la..hubby kul 11.30 br jg..then dia pun tgk skali..lps tu dlm 1145,aku dh ngantok dh..apalagi..tdo la..
tgkla hubby game sowang2..seb bek la MU menang..glory glory MU..
lps tu terjg kul brp ntah..perut meragam..adoila..
then pgg prt,sapu minyak angin,urut2 sket,smbil bc selawat..last2 tertdo smpai la pg td..alhamdulillah dh makin ok,,tp still rs lg
memula ingt nk MC je..tp pk2..mlsnya nk g klinik..huhu..so,dtgla keja..hahaha
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My FirSt EdItIOn
wah,mcm x caya je aku menulis blog..
hahaha..pndai kah sinchan menulis blog?
x tahu la kan..
cuba2 tgk la..
slalu tgk blog org lain je..kali nie menulis di blog sndiri..
nk mula dgn apa pun x tahu la..
so,kena pk kan dl..apa yg hrs sinchan mulakan..lalalalala
wah,mcm x caya je aku menulis blog..
hahaha..pndai kah sinchan menulis blog?
x tahu la kan..
cuba2 tgk la..
slalu tgk blog org lain je..kali nie menulis di blog sndiri..
nk mula dgn apa pun x tahu la..
so,kena pk kan dl..apa yg hrs sinchan mulakan..lalalalala
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